About us

What is Ethir?

Ethir was founded by members of Tamil Solidarity alongside members of its youth wing organisation, Young Revolutionaries in Solidarity. The ethos of Ethir English is rooted in socialist principles with the intention of providing an outlook of the liberation struggle taking place internationally, particularly in Eelam and Sri Lanka.

Our work will predominantly focus on providing our insights and analysis from an Eelam outlook. We look to publish the objective truth. We stand uncompromisingly on the side of the oppressed section in society and will not take a bogus “neutral” stand. We believe it is our duty to march forward the struggle in Eelam that was left behind in 2009.

Our objective is to share our outlook on how we believe we can use information to awaken our readers into taking a clear-cut position when it comes to the liberation struggle of the Tamil speaking community.

However, this does not mean our platform is limited to the Tamil Struggle, we place the same importance on all struggles and the working class struggle internationally so we would also be producing content on this.

We do not have a large team nor do we have vast financial resources to be able to continuously update our readers with current and ongoing affairs; however, we will continuously try our utmost best to highlight significant events that are taking place today. Hence, our writers will predominantly focus on providing updates, reviews and analysis with a political outlook where possible.

We need all the help we can get to improve our work. If you like what you read and want to contribute please do not hesitate and contact us immediately. If you are interested in joining Ethir English to write for us please contact us. You do not have to be a member of YRS or TS to write for us – what we ask for is that you understand what Ethir is trying to establish and portray politically and ideologically.

We are not free until all of us are free

Contact: admin@ethir.org.uk

Learn more about Young Revolutionaries in Solidarity

Learn more about Tamil Solidarity

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