
Only a real understanding of history can offer a future for people

An understanding of ‘real’ history is the starting point for fighting for a future. But only…

Crisis Sri Lanka

Since 26 October Sri Lanka has been plunged into a deep political crisis. It’s a dangerous…

United Nations, Empty Declarations

The annual pilgrimage to Geneva is over. All those praying that the United Nations Human Rights…

End all attacks on the Muslim community immediately

The Sri Lankan government declared an emergency on 6 March and closed down access to social…

What is the GSP+

What is the GSP+? The following explanation of the GSP is given by the European Union:…

Manivannan Incident & UN Hypocrisy

The stories of Tamil lobbyists storming the corridors of UNHRC must be recorded for posterity. In…

Solution is not within the walls of UN

Defeat of Mahinda – starting point of some hope Remember 8th January 2015? Tens of thousands voted…

Army, Cannons and the Constitution

“You see, gentlemen, a king whom the army and cannons obey – this is part of…

Part 1: United Nations (2015) – Tamils: abandoned and betrayed… again

As expected, the United Nations Human Rights Council has agreed its latest resolution on Sri Lanka.…

Part 2: United Nations (2015) Tamils: abandoned and betrayed

Tamils: abandoned and betrayed… again Part 2: Tamil representation and self-determination What has been the response…