Mass protest in Sri Lanka is a potential opportunity for Tamils

This mass movement is at a key juncture that will affect the lives of Tamils for…

End all attacks on the Muslim community immediately

The Sri Lankan government declared an emergency on 6 March and closed down access to social…

Manivannan Incident & UN Hypocrisy

The stories of Tamil lobbyists storming the corridors of UNHRC must be recorded for posterity. In…

Sri Lanka’s Twisted Politics

Following the fall of Mahinda Rajapaksa, an extraordinary situation has emerged. The United National Party (UNP)…

Tamils – Don’t Fall For The Unity Lie

Unity makes us stronger. But not always. All those fighting for their rights must choose their…

David Cameron: The Two Faces of CHOGM Diplomacy

Last week David Cameron found himself in a tight corner. When pressed by Tamil Solidarity international…

TESO conference reveals who stands in the interests of the oppressed masses

The Tamil Eelam supporters’ organisation (TESO) acts as a tool for the Dravidian Progress Federation (DMK)…